An Overview of Zend in 50 minutes
"Robert Zend: Between Budapest & Toronto, Between Zero & One, Between Dream & Reality," by Ralph Dumain of the Autodidact Project, for Think Twice Radio, May 26 2017This podcast by American archivist, librarian and independent researcher Ralph Dumain presents an overview of Robert Zend's works, themes, and influences. Dumain illustrates Zend's themes of exile & identity, sources & inspirations, myth & religion, metaphysical notions, and the interplay of and reality with poems, prose fragments, & summaries of short fiction. He recounts his engagement with Zend and his project of translating Zend's work into Esperanto. Listen here.
Zend in his voiceThese recordings are the only ones believed to exist of Robert Zend reading his own poems--a rare opportunity to hear him in his own voice. They are from a poetry reading at Harbourfront, hosted by Greg Gatemby in 1982. Many of these works are otherwise unpublished. They are presented here in the order of the complete recording, so listening to them in sequence will put you right in that room with Robert.
Short humourous poemsFish (From Zero to One, p. 55)Relativity (From Zero to One, p. 53)Morning (From Zero to One, p. 19)PublicTwo Letters--English and HungarianTwo Letters--Oil Company and Religious OrganizationRomance on the Beach (The Three Roberts: Premiere Performance, p. 17)
Last Year in Marienbad
A Chain of Haik
I Have a Heavy Accent
Serious Poems
Spheroid Poem (From Zero to One, p. 56)
Omnilingual Sound Poem
A Strange Afternoon
Others Read ZendSelected Poems in English & Esperanto Translation